
Saturday, May 08, 2010

News: Paul McCartney Discusses Fame

from HelloTxt(News) - In an interview on a popular BBC radio program in the U.K., Sir Paul McCartney discussed what it was like to be one of the most famous people on the planet. According to the former Beatle, it definitely has its downsides, but he is finally learning to live with it. McCartney explained, "The weight of fame can get pretty annoying. But you know what I do now? I have rules, I've finally grown up and I finally realize I've got rights." "So people will come up to me in a restaurant," the 67-year-old musician continues, "and say, 'Can I have your autograph' and I say, 'I'm really sorry but I don't do that when I'm eating. I hope you understand. I'll shake your hand and I'll talk to you.'" When asked if fame was a weight, he said: "To some degree, but it's a weight I'm happy to carry. I spent so much of my life trying to get famous, and it's a little bit unseemly once you get famous to say, 'Oh, I don't want to be here.'"

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