
Saturday, November 13, 2010

Demi Lovato Offered $40K To Host Canadian Speaking Tour On Anti-Bullying

Demi Lovato Offered $40K To Host Canadian Speaking Tour On Anti-Bullying: "

God Bless Our Frosty Neighbors to the North: A Canadian college gossip website is offering troubled Disney darling Demi Lovato a five-figure deal to headline a speaking tour on the perils of bullying at universities across the nation.

This month, went live as Canadian first university student gossip blog. The site’s creator tout it as the “premiere place for students, parents, and your next door neighbor to find out what really goes on behind closed doors at schools across Canada.” The user-driven website, allows students to post “gossip blogs” about each other and find out the latest happenings around their school.

(Sounds like my college newspaper before the reign of MySpace and Facebook.) Derek Paul, a media representative for the site, believes Lovato would make a formidable spokeswoman for its anti-bullying campaign. Although the actress’ reps have remained tight-lipped on the particulars of just what sent Demi to a suburban Chicago treatment center last month, insiders say the Texan, 18, never quite recovered from the relentless bullying from classmates that forced her to be homeschooled as a preteen.

“A lot of our users are very mean to each other, even though it’s meant to be in good fun. We would love to have Demi Lovato, who we feel is a great spokesperson for anti-bullying, to come on after she is done dealing with her own personal issues, and educate these students about how harmful their words can be. We want to offer Demi $40,000 to do a speaking tour across Canada, with an additional $40,000 being donated to a charity of her choice,” Paul remarked in a presser issued this week.

Spokesfolks for Lovato have not yet responded to the offer.



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