Sunday, November 07, 2010

Justin Bieber Included ? Top 50 Most Popular Women On The Web

Top 50 Most Popular Women On The Web - Justin Bieber Included? - Dots Period: "

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Top 50 Most Popular Women On The Web - Justin Bieber Included?
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As you can see, the list should be composed of just women, but why is Justin Bieber included there? Many are asking this question upon noticing a boy made ...
50 Most Popular Women OnlineTimes of the Internet
Top 50 Most Popular Women On The WebGossipopi
Top 50 Most Popular Women on the Web: COED Magazine Names 50 Most Popular ...Long Island Press

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50 Most Popular Women OnlineGoogle searches have become a way to analyze society, particularly American culture.Google recently released a list of the most searched women on the web across the globe, and some of the names on the list might surprise you a bit. As you might have been able to guess, Lady Gaga is the most written about woman on the web, garnering more than 85,000,000 pages with information about her. believe it or not, Kesha came in second place, ahead of Madonna by 15,000,000 results with a total of 76,000,000 pages that have information about her. The top five was rounded out by Beyonce and Rihanna who have 55 million and 46 million pages about them respectively. Awkwardly enough, Justin Bieber was also included on the list and came in seventh place just behind Britney Spears with 34 million results.
The rest of the top ten were Miley Cyrus, Paris Hilton and Avril Lavigne. Most of the names you might have been able to guess. They all constantly dominate the headlines and keep their names in the media through various ventures. Most would imagine that Oprah would be int he top ten, but she came in 14th place.
Other names that have a large number of results include Shakira, Taylor Swift, Megan Fox, Mariah Carey, Sarah Palin and Lindsay Lohan. The list says a lot about the type of women that are searched for. Typically, they are entertainers, and there are very few politicians on the list. In fact, the only women politicians in the top 50 are Sarah Palin and Hillary Clinton, with all of the other names being actresses, singers or well known socialites like Kim Kardashian.

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