
Sunday, December 26, 2010

Miley Cyrus Yahoo! Most-Searched Person Of 2010

Miley Cyrus Yahoo! Most-Searched Person Of 2010: "

A nude photo scare, the finale of Hannah Montana, and the bong hit heard round the web helped make teen sensation Miley Cyrus the year’s Most-Searched Person on Yahoo!

Yahoo! has tallied up their Top 10 Search Terms of 2010 and the controversial Disney starlet was among six celebrities who made the cut among web surfers. Cyrus was followed by moneybags reality socialite Kim Kardashian (No. 4) — this year’s Google Search Winner — and quirky pop star Lady Gaga (No 5).

Following Miley, Kim, and Gaga as the top Yahoo! entertainment-related searches are Megan Fox at (No. 7), Justin Bieber at (No. 8), American Idol (No. 9), and Britney Spears in at (No. 10). The other (non-entertainment-related) top searches of the year include the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico (No. 1) and the World Cup in South Africa (No. 2), and Apple iPhone (No. 6).

CLICK HERE To Check Out Yahoo!‘s Full Year In Review Lists…



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