
Saturday, January 01, 2011

“Intelligent” Paula Abdul Wreaks Havoc On “Live To Dance” Set With Diva Demands

“Intelligent” Paula Abdul Wreaks Havoc On “Live To Dance” Set With Diva Demands: "

Live to Dance? More like Live to Diva!

Paula Abdul, 48, is hitting the promo track ahead of next week’s series premiere of Live to Dance, the singer/choreographer’s new CBS reality dance competition, but celebrity snoops say when the “dance expert” left American Idol for greener pastures in 2009, she took her loopy diva antics with her.

“I’m not happy!” is a phrase folks working behind the scenes on Paula’s first big gig since bidding farewell to Idol have been hearing alot of the past few months, The National Enquirer dishes in its Jan. 10 edition.

“She’s been driving everyone else on the show crazy!” according to an insider, who claims Abdul regularly throws fits about everything from refreshments to wardrobe changes. Word on the Curb has it that Paula kept the entire Dance cast and crew waiting for several hours while repeatedly changed her clothes for a promotional photoshoot last month.

“Paula has been out of control on the set. Her favorite phrase is ‘I’m not happy’ — and she’s ‘not happy’ a lot!” disclosed a show insider close to Hard-to-Please Paula. “She started with the food in her dressing room. When she didn’t see her favorite Jolly Rancher candies — she hit the roof. And when she had to go searching for VitaminWater, she complained bitterly that she wasn’t getting the respect she deserved.”

Paula’s eight-episode Live to Dance premieres on CBS on Tuesday, Jan. 4 @ 8 PM ET — and spywitnesses say Abdul is determined to bury Idol in the ratings.

“Now Paula is demanding that CBS cough up huge amounts of money to promote Live to Dance. She wants Idol to regret letting her go.”

In a new interview airing on CBS Sunday Morning this week (Jan. 2), the alleged prima donna hits back at some of the most disturbing misconceptions about herself with interviewer Julie Chen.

“I am intelligent. I am,” Paula said when asked which Abdul Ideal disturbs her most.

“But, people don’t give you enough credit for having a brain?” Julie asked.

“Having a brain, that’s a concept, yes, with Paula Abdul. I have a brain,” the former Laker Girl replied.

Abdul is also emphatic that she has never had a problem with drugs or alcohol, despite rumors to the contrary

“I’ve never had a drinking problem,” Paula said. “Even though I’ve been in this business for quite some time. I’ve never physically been drunk in my life. I’ve never been drunk in my life. I don’t use recreational drugs. But, I am goofy,” she added. “It’s Paula. It is Paula. And, even the people on ‘American Idol’ know that none of that existed, ever.”



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