Saturday, January 29, 2011

Why Is Stephanie Seymour So Intimate with Her Son

Stephanie Seymour

Why Is Stephanie Seymour So Intimate with Her Son: "
Recent photographs of Stephanie Seymour beach-walking with her son Peter Brant II made quite a lot of people gawk. They were locked in an embrace that certainly looked a bit too passionate for an everyday expression of family feelings.

On the crest of comments (not all of which were discreet) Peter came up with a public statement re the scandalous photos that also contained a bold revelation of his sexual preferences.

The 18-year-old boy claimed that the controversial pictures were “completely out of context”. His mother, he stated, is a perfect mother who maintains close intimate relations with all her children, he no exception. She would hug and kiss her children regularly, openly showing her affection.

He further claims that while walking on the beach they realized there were photographers present, but they were just behaving in a manner accepted in their family.

Denying any implications of overboard relationship Peter confessed of being openly gay. His sexual preferences, he said, influence his relationship with his mother. They came to be “almost like friends” and habitually discuss all important issues in their lives.

Commenting on some of the loosest opinions on the photos to Gawker, Peter said that although it’s understandable that pictures like these end up in the media, it doesn’t necessarity mean they should invite “any hateful uninhibited opinions.”



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