Monday, February 07, 2011

Justin Bieber “CSI” Spoilers!

Justin Bieber “CSI” Spoilers!: "

Have you set your DVRs? We’ve got a feeling some of you are going to love Justin Bieber’s return to CSI: Crime Scene Investigation next week.

Possible Spoilers After the Jump….

Bieber recently filmed a reprisal of his role as troubled teen Jason McCann in an episode of the CBS crime drama titled “Targets of Obsession” and scheduled to air Feb. 17 (9 PM ET). As it appears the guest spot will be Justin’s last on the primetime series. In news that will send the devoted Belieber in your life into a near coronary, the teen pop star will allegedly meet a violent end in his return to the tube, getting shot and killed by a crime scene investigator acting in self-defense, Entertainment Weekly reported Friday.

CSI writers originally slated to have Bieber blow himself up, but changed the grisly ending at the last minute.

The 16-year old first appeared on the season premiere of the Emmy-winning forensic series last fall.



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