
Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Katy Perry on Boobs: These Things Come in Handy!

Katy Perry on Boobs: These Things Come in Handy!: "

News flash. Katy Perry wasn’t always so hot.

“I was like a square. I was! I’m generally around 130 pounds, which is totally fine for me," the singer, who appeared on How I Met Your Mother Monday night, tells Elle. 'But when I was a kid, I was the same height and weighed more like 145.'

Fortunately, things turned around ...

'80s Katy Perry

"I had these enormous boobs I didn’t know what to do with. I wore minimizers, which are not cute. Those thick-ass straps! I got made fun of for the over-the-shoulder boulder holder, and all I wanted was to look like Kate Moss," she said.

"Little did I know these things would come in handy someday.”

Millions and millions of dollars later, we'd certainly say so.

Oddly enough for an article that features quotes about her breasts, they are barely displayed in the shot above. Psst, Elle. The '80s called, they want their cover back.



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