
Sunday, February 06, 2011

Lindsay Lohan Felony Theft Charges Pending In Case Of Stolen Necklace

Lindsay Lohan Felony Theft Charges Pending In Case Of Stolen Necklace: "

Did LiLo steal a one-of-a-kind necklace from a suburban Los Angeles jewelry store?

There are new developments in the case of Lindsay Lohan & The Mysteriously Envaporating Necklace…(Wouldn’t that have made a great title for a Nancy Drew novel?!) tattles say the scandal-starred starlet will face one felony count of grand theft in the case of a stolen $2,500 necklace that the actress was videotaped and photograped wearing days after she allegedly lifted the bauble from an upscale Venice jewelry shop.

Kamofi & Co., a Venice custom jewelry store, reported the necklace stolen on Jan. 22, roughly three weeks after the actress was released from three months of court-ordered rehab at the Betty Ford Center. Though Lohan insists store owners lent the item to her, shopkeepers deny that claim. Last week, cops in Venice obtained a search warrant Tuesday to try to retrieve the necklace from Lohan’s house, but the item was turned in to detectives by one of Lohan’s associates before the warrant could be executed.

The gossip site wrote Saturday: “The D.A.’s office just issued a statement to an L.A. wire service that no decision has been made. TMZ reiterates — Lindsay Lohan will be charged with felony grand theft…”

Lohan’s long-suffering attorney — Hollywood ambulance chaser-to-the-stars Shawn Chapman Holley — says her client did not steal the necklace and has vowed to fight any charges if they are filed.

“We vehemently deny these allegations and, if charges are filed, we will fight them in court, not in the press,” Holley said in a statement this afternoon.

The case is just latest legal saga for La Lohan, who has struggled to comply with the terms of her probation in a 2007 DUI case. She was twice jailed last summer for violating the terms of that probation and Beverly Hills judge Elden Fox has threatened to sentence her to up to six months in jail if she continues to get into trouble.

The “Mean Girl” is due in court on Feb. 25 for a probation status hearing.



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