
Sunday, April 03, 2011

Charlie Sheen Gets Booed Off Stage First Night Of Torpedo Tour!

Charlie Sheen Gets Booed Off Stage First Night Of Torpedo Tour!: "


Hope you don't want your money back, Sheen fans.

Although, we wouldn't blame you for trying.

Charlie Sheen's My Violent Torpedo of Truth: Defeat is Not an Option had a disastrous opening night in Detroit, MI.

The show started out with promise as he told the audience, 'They took my awesome children. They took my sometimes groovy job. They tried to take my brain and my heart and my titanium spine.'

However, instead of giving the audience an honest take on his life, the whole thing just turned into a big mess when Charlie started ranting off from a script and showing clips of his father's films. He was so perplexed by what was going on, he even asked the audience, 'Is anybody else as confused by this sh-t as I am?'

He played an old film that he wrote and directed called RPG, starring Johnny Depp, but when the film didn't go over well, he told the crowd, 'All right so RPG's a bomb. Whatever. Tonight's an experiment.'

He took questions from the audience, but only answered the ones that weren't 'boring.' When someone asked for AA stories, he shot down the suggestion and said he'd talk about crack instead, adding, 'I figured Detroit was a good place to tell crack stories.'

That's when loud boos and shouts of 'You suck!' were heard from the crowd.

Charlie yelled back, "Already got your f—ing money, dude."

He then walked off stage, ending the show early, leaving the audience stunned. One audience member was even heard saying, 'Dude, that was seriously the worst thing I’ve ever witnessed.'

So, the first night of Charlie Sheen's tour was a bust.

Is anyone really surprised??

We don't know what his biggest fans were expecting, but his tour was a train wreck before it even started.

We have a feeling his tour could very well be cut short.

What did U think of Charlie's meltdown performance?

[Image via GSI Media.]


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