
Sunday, June 26, 2011

Selena Gomez Tries To Keep A Balance In Her Life Between Fame And Being A Normal Teen

Selena Gomez Tries To Keep A Balance In Her Life Between Fame And Being A Normal Teen: "

Selena Gomez revealed to the Associated Press that she works hard to keep a balance in her life between being famous and being a normal teen, and she does this by the people she spends her time with. Selena is friends with people both in the business and outside of the business, and she says that helps!

Personally for me, I feel like it’s good to have a balance of both. I have people in my life that are in the business and then I have friends who aren’t in the business and family, so it’s nice to kind of keep that. You want people that obviously understand what you’re going through and then you also want people that’s like, `Let’s not talk about sets or press or any of that, let’s just talk about normal things.’ Your life definitely changes a little bit and you kind of think people’s motives change towards you. Just got to be careful – that’s all.

Selena always seems to levelheaded about all of the decisions in her life!


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