
Saturday, July 09, 2011

Madonna Checks Out City of Lights

Madonna Checks Out City of Lights: "

She’s no stranger to international travel, and earlier today (June 24) Madonna was spotted out and about in Paris, France.

The Material Girl was joined by her boyfriend Brahim Zaibat as she made her way around the picturesque city while shutterbugs swarmed around her.

In career news, Madge has consented to having her life story depicted in a forthcoming biographical comic book.

Bluewater honcho Jason Schultz told press, “Our goal is to show the little-known events and influences that resulted in Madonna becoming the phenomenon she remains to this day, more than a quarter-century after she burst upon the scene. A visual medium provides perspective that is not only accessible but more relatable to the average person without losing any of the information involved.”


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