
Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Demi Lovato Photographed With Cigarettes In Her Purse August 30, 2011

Demi Lovato Photographed With Cigarettes In Her Purse August 30, 2011:

Uh oh! Demi Lovato has done so much in the last year to make herself a great mentor for her fans, but she just took a giant step backward when she was photographed on August 30th with a pack of cigarettes in her purse. No word if these were hers or if she was holding them for her friends.

Not only is Demi a celebrity that her fans look up to, but they look up to her as a model of what good health should be now that she has gotten help for her eating disorder, and if Demi’s smoking cigarettes in the public eye it isn’t the best thing for her young fans to see.

What are your thoughts on this?

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