
Friday, September 16, 2011

Fashion Week - Kate The Great

Fashion Week - Kate The Great:

Hollywood sends the fashion world plenty of pretty envoys. See: Kate Bosworth. But for all the popularity the fetching L.A. native enjoys among the frock-makers, a lot of moviegoers still know of her as the surfer babe from Blue Crush.

With Straw Dogs, the designer darling is hoping to ride a new wave. Bosworth plays a struggling actress who moves back to her hometown in Mississippi with her husband (James Marsden), where she strikes up an uneasy reacquaintance with an old flame (Alexander Skarsgard). Like the 1971 Sam Peckinpah film it’s based on, Straw Dogs unfolds in an atmosphere of sex-inflected menace; it also contains a pivotal rape scene, which has been the focus of most of the buzz around the remake.

“A lot of people ask me about the rape scene, which was sort of challenging,” Bosworth explained at last night’s Tribeca Grand premiere. “But what was equally challenging was tracking the tension that the characters are going through.”

Bosworth also helped put together her character’s wardrobe, and it seems her stylish sensibility was a hit with the suits. According to director Rod Lurie, “The head of the studio, Clint Culpepper, is also a big fashionista.”

—Darrell Hartman

Photo: Sylvain Gaboury /

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