Sunday, October 09, 2011

PHOTOS: Models Who Were Bullied (And Got The Last Laugh)

PHOTOS: Models Who Were Bullied (And Got The Last Laugh):

Post-success, numerous models have revealed that before they were glamorous models, they played the role of the "ugly duckling" (you know, prior to turning into the beautiful swans we know them as today).

Although it's hard to believe, many claim to have been bullied for being tall, skinny or lanky or for having distinctive features -- the features, ironically, that propelled them to fame (think Lindsey Wixson's gap-tooth grin).

Lara Stone is just the most recent model to reveal she didn't (and still doesn't) get the best reviews about her looks. The Danish supermodel revealed in her recent GQ spread that she's been called ugly by people on the evil Internet--

"It hurts when you're having a tough day and someone says, 'She's so f**king ugly I wouldn't let my dog near her.' " Nobody said that! "Yes, they have," she insists. "And 500 people 'liked' it!"

Fortunately, we're pretty sure the Calvin Klein model, famous for her gap-toothed smile and flawless figure, has gotten the last laugh.

Check out the gorgeous models who've left their childhood bullies far behind.

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