
Wednesday, November 02, 2011

PHOTOS: Top Model Jessica Biel Channels Her Manly Side

Top Model PHOTOS: Jessica Biel Channels Her Manly Side:

Let's talk about menswear for a second.

It's one of fashion's favorite trends, used as an easy euphemism for just about anything that's not a dress (vests, pants suits, blazers, tuxedo pants, pinstripe). And that's OK -- women's fashion need not be overtly feminine, nor do we need frilly things to feel pretty.

But there is menswear and then there is menswear. Jessica Biel gives a good example of the latter in this month's Elle, where the December cover girl wears a sexed-up Annie Hall ensemble consisting of a sleeveless white button-down, pinstripe trousers and black suspenders.

She looks gorgeous, of course (because when does Jessica Biel not look gorgeous?). But that is some serious menswear. We're not talking a shrunken blazer with rolled-up sleeves or a delicate brogue with sequins -- she is wearing pleated pants.

In short, this might be a bit much for us. Is this the sort of menswear-inspired womenswear that you'd actually wear out of the house?

Go to to see more Jessica pics and read some choice quotes from her cover story!

Categories : top model, top models 2011, next top model, world top models, hot top models, americas top model, top models photos, america top models, american top models, top models, top model online,

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