
Tuesday, December 20, 2011

FASHION ICON : Which Disney Celebrity Should Influence Our Jane By Design Style Challenge #2?

Which Disney Celebrity Should Influence Our Jane By Design Style Challenge #2?:

Many of you voted for Selena Gomez to influence our first Jane By Design Style Challenge – set up by ABC Family to help raise awareness for their new show “Jane By Design” arriving on the network on January 3, 2012. We have just received our second challenge, and again we need you to vote on which Disney Celebrity should influence our work!

Here’s the email we received for the challenge:

“Hi There!

My name is Jane Quimby and I’m Gray’s assistant. Nice to meet you by e-mail! Gray is out of the office and asked me to tell you that you’ve made it to the next phase of the interview process. Barely. Umm, that was her word, not mine. I think you’re doing great so far!

Gray asked me to brief you on your next challenge. Style icons can be an important source of inspiration. Who is your style icon? Is it your mother or a favorite aunt? A celebrity or an athlete? A world leader or rock star?

Find the plain white t-shirt in your trunk. Using items around your house or your office, create a design on the t-shirt inspired by your fashion icon. Then, put the shirt on your dress form and post a photo of it to your blog, along with an entry that talks about how your design was inspired by your fashion icon. Ask your readers to tell you about their style icons here [] and mention the name of your blog.

If Gray can tolerate your writing style & appreciates your ingenuity, you will proceed to the next phase of the interview process.

Good luck with the assignment!


So, which Disney celebrity do you look to as a fashion icon? Take the poll below and let us know so we can begin designing our shirt!

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