
Friday, February 17, 2012

Jennifer Aniston on Brad Pitt Reunion Rumors: All About the Benjamins!

Jennifer Aniston on Brad Pitt Reunion Rumors: All About the Benjamins!:

A century from now, there will likely be a supermarket tabloid headline that claims Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt got back together in heaven.

Such is the ridiculousness that has become of this never-ending rumor, one that magazines still profit over because customers continue to gobble up all Brangelina and Bennifer talk.

In the latest issue of InStyle, Aniston says she's aware of the headlines (she's having Pitt's baby!!!), she wishes they didn't exist, but she understands why the editors continue to approve them.

Jennifer Aniston InStyle Cover

"It's constant," the star says. "It's a story headline that won't go away, but it's a money thing - [people make money off] a story that has nothing to do with reality."

Among other topics touched on by Aniston during the interview:

The occupation she'd want if she were not an actress: “I’d love to be a dermatologist. I’d be so obsessive about it. I’m fascinated by skin, products, and lasers. I go on the Internet and read all about it. I call it ‘laser porn.’”

Boyfriend Justin Theroux: “First of all, he has great style – it’s very specific, and it has been his style forever. Has it influenced mine? No, but I know people say it has. ‘Oh, look, you’re dressing alike.’ And I think, ‘No I’m not. I’ve had this jacket for three years!’"

What she looks for in a man: “Having experienced everything you don’t want in a partner over time, it starts to narrow down to what you actually do want. As I get older I realize what qualities are important in love and what suits me. And what I won’t settle for.”

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