
Friday, February 17, 2012

Taylor Swift: Dumped by Eddie Redmayne?

Taylor Swift: Dumped by Eddie Redmayne?:

Poor Taylor Swift. Not only did this singer recently lose out on a role in Les Miserables (the part of Eponine went to Samantha Barks instead), but she reportedly lost a new love interest in the process.

According to Us Weekly, Taylor met British actor Eddie Redmayne (My Week with Marilyn) while auditioning for the character in October 2011 and "they hung out in New York City with the movie's execs. Taylor developed feelings for him fast."

The T SwizzleEddie Redmayne Picture

Redmayne, who actually attended Eton College with Prince William, felt something for Swift, as well, an insider confirms, meeting up with her on January 24 in London and staying over the next night in Taylor's hotel room. It's unclear why.

Alas, Swift returned home, learned she did NOT win the part in Les Miserables and then received doubly bad news: Redmayne was "not interested in a long-distance relationship," this source says.

Seriously, will Swift's guitar ever be free from tear drops?!?


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