Monday, November 18, 2013

Lady Gaga wants Little Monsters of her own

Lady Gaga wants Little Monsters of her own:

Lady Gaga - sorry, your Ladyship, but America's had its fill of you, according to the PPP poll
Lady Gaga wants Little Monsters of her own
Lady Gaga wants little monsters of her own.
Lady Gaga is thinking about the future, and that future involves starting a family.
“I want to have a ton of kids, actually. I think at least three,” she says during a SiriusXM town hall, likening her prospective offspring to her current fans, called little monsters.
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“To be honest, having my own kids will be like having three little monsters with me all the time. They probably won’t be fans. They’ll probably, like, hate my music, who knows,” admits. “I want to live a family life. I grew up with a very strong family and I just cannot imagine not having a normal nuclear family.”

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