
Monday, November 17, 2014

Beyonce's '99 Problems' Swimsuit Is Perfect For Her, But You'll Probably Want It Too

Beyonce's '99 Problems' Swimsuit Is Perfect For Her, But You'll Probably Want It Too: Let's be honest: Beyonce could wear any bathing suit under the sun and look absolutely amazing in it. (Reminder: she's Beyonce.) But this one-piece was both literally and figuratively made. for. her.

The photo she posted to says it all, but in case you were temporarily blinded by her beauty and couldn't read, the swimsuit says: "99 Problems But My Ass Ain't One." And truer words have never been spoken:


Of course, the swimsuit borrows a line from her husband Jay Z's song, "99 Problems," but we'd like to think Queen Bey was singing "Bootylicious" in her head as the cameras snapped.

Original enclosures:
s-BEYONCE-mini.jpg (image/jpeg)

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