
Monday, December 29, 2014

Taylor Swift admits she's given up dating but says 'I'm not lonely'

Taylor Swift admits she's given up dating but says 'I'm not lonely':

Taylor Swift admits she's given up dating but says 'I'm not lonely'
Taylor Swift says she's given up dating but she's 'not lonely' [James White/Cosmopolitan]

She's dated some of the hottest men on the planet - from Harry Styles to John Mayer - but for the time being Taylor Swift is content with being single.

Speaking to British Cosmopolitan, the popstar revealed she has given up on dating: “People will say, 'Let me set you up with someone', and I’m just sitting there saying, ‘That’s not what I’m doing. I’m not lonely, I’m not looking.’ They just don’t get it.

"I’ve learnt that just because someone is cute and wants to date you, that’s not a reason to sacrifice your independence and allow everyone to say whatever they want about you. I’m not doing that anymore.”

She confesses it would take someone truly special to sweep her off her feet.

“It’d take someone really special for me to undergo the circumstances I have to go through to experience a date. I don’t know how I would ever have another person in my world trying to have a relationship with me, or a family.

"The best answer I can come up with now is go at it alone. Life can be romantic without having a romance. I’m very attracted to how happy I am now.”

Taylor Swift on being single and her love life
Taylor says it will take someone really special to sweep her off her feet [James White/Cosmopolitan]

The 24-year-old, who recently released her fifth album 1989, says there is an inequality between the way men and women's love lives are discussed.

“My girlfriends and I talk a lot about feminism and the inequality between the way men and women are talked about.

"The kind of things we say are, ‘Why is it mischievous, fun and sexy if a guy has a string of lovers that he’s cast aside; loved and left? Yet if a woman dates three or four people in an eight-year period she is a serial dater and it gives some 12-year-old the idea to call her a ‘slut’ on the internet?’

"It’s not the same for boys, it just isn’t and that’s a fact.”

Taylor gushes about her female friends, especially Girls creator Lena Dunham.

“Her perspective has truly shaped me in the past couple of years. She is just so enthusiastic about life, about other women. She is like a hug in the form of a person.”

And it's these friends who have helped her settle into her new life in the Big Apple.

 “Moving to New York is the best thing I’ve ever done. I never thought I’d be able to survive that city. It’s so big and bright. Then I woke up one day about a year ago and it was all I could think about.

"I needed a new challenge and there’s no bigger challenge than uprooting your life, finding new places to hang out, new friendship circles…”

The full interview with Taylor Swift appears in the December issue of Cosmopolitan
The full interview with Taylor Swift appears in the December issue of Cosmopolitan [James White/Cosmopolitan]

The full interview with Taylor Swift appears in the December issue of Cosmopolitan, on sale 4th November.

Also available in digital edition on Apple Newsstand.

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