
Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Lily James Has a Genius Approach to Covered-Up Summer Dressing

Lily James Has a Genius Approach to Covered-Up Summer Dressing:

Photo: Stuart C. Wilson/Getty Images Photo: Stuart C. Wilson/Getty Images
I can't wait for summer to be over, so that I can stop taking up space on this website to whine about how I don't know how to dress in the heat. It was about 90 degrees and two thousand percent humid yesterday, and I wore a sweatshirt. Wtf.

Although I can't seem to save myself from four months of misery, I can identify people who do have the mental capacity to style themselves out of heatstroke. Lily James is apparently one of them. Here she is at the Vogue & Ralph Lauren Wimbledon party on Monday, looking fresh as hell in a tea-length Ralph Lauren shirtdress and gold sandals.

My personal Summertime Sadness arises from the fact that I don't like shorts, short skirts or my arms, particularly. Hence, I wear pretty much the same thing I do at other times of the year and just smell worse for it. (Ha ha... kidding!) But LJ has all that figured out. A lightweight fabric and loosely streamlined cut means you can wear, say, a long-sleeved dress, and stay cool. So obvious. So brilliant.

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