
Tuesday, February 09, 2016

Here Are All of the People the Internet Thinks Channing Tatum Looks Like With That Hair

Here Are All of the People the Internet Thinks Channing Tatum Looks Like With That Hair:

"Hey babe, I think those people are making fun of your hair."  Photo: Jason Merritt/Getty Images
"Hey babe, I think those people are making fun of your hair."  Photo: Jason Merritt/Getty Images
Channing Tatum showed up at the Golden Globes on Sunday night with a hairstyle that confused people — but it also was oddly familiar. Here are all of the people the masses thought Channing Tatum looked like with his new, swoopy and slightly emo hair. You're welcome.

George McFly

Photos: Jason Merritt/Getty Images and Universal Pictures
Photos: Jason Merritt/Getty Images and Universal Pictures
Crispin Glover comparisons abounded. In addition to George McFly, Tatum was also compared to the Thin Man character in "Charlie's Angels." Crispin Glover, so hot right now.

Justin Bieber

Photos: Jason Merritt & Allen Berezovsky/Getty Images
Photos: Jason Merritt & Allen Berezovsky/Getty Images
Bieber's swoop was so successful in building buzz for the singer that Tatum clearly wanted to get in on the action.

Stefon from "SNL"

Photo: Jason Merritt/Getty Images & NBC
Photo: Jason Merritt/Getty Images & NBC
Tatum could hold his own at any club in New York City with Stefon.

Zorg from "The Fifth Element"

Photo: Jason Merritt/Getty Images & Sony Pictures
Photo: Jason Merritt/Getty Images & Sony Pictures
Brilliant memory, Internet people.

A Mutant from the "X-Men"

I don't know anything about comic books, but I definitely see the resemblance. Apparently this is a mutant in "X-Men." Seems fitting. UPDATE: And apparently he is PLAYING Gambit. Oh. Makes even more sense now.

An Emo Kid...

Photos: Jason Merritt & Brian Rasic/Getty Images
Photos: Jason Merritt & Brian Rasic/Getty Images
...or that guy from My Chemical Romance in 2007. See also: Pete Wentz.


Photo: Jason Merritt/Getty Images and CBS Films
Photo: Jason Merritt/Getty Images and CBS Films
Oh, geez, Internet. But you're not necessarily wrong. Several suggested that perhaps he was filming a Hitler biopic. Many actors have done it.

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