
Tuesday, February 09, 2016

Pre-Fall 2016: the 12 Biggest Trends

Pre-Fall 2016: the 12 Biggest Trends:

Tory Burch said that she was stuck on the '70s for pre-fall 2016, and we quickly realized that she spoke for a lot of designers. The '70s trend remains as strong as ever, and we're starting to wonder if it's even a trend anymore given its prevalence over so many seasons.

While designers may have agreed on the decade of the moment, they didn't agree on what pre-fall means temperature-wise, showing both fur coats and sheer dresses, sometimes in the same collections (and even the same look). With the mild weather we experienced all through December, followed by freezing temperatures, which then disappeared again, we have no idea what's around the corner. Whatever the case, these ups and downs keep you on your toes wardrobe-wise, as it's not often that your parka is plucked from the closet around the same time as a cropped pant.

Consensus may be hard to pin down during pre-fall, but trends always emerge. Join us in taking a look at some of the biggest trends for pre-fall 2016, from animal print coats to "Star Wars."

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