Friday, May 13, 2011

Justin Bieber, Answer Your Phone. It's The President.

Justin Bieber, Answer Your Phone. It's The President.: "

The Nation Needs Biebs


Media outlets were calling bullshizz that the President knew the Biebs and could pull through with a promise that he made to a 14 year old girl who lost her father in the 9/11 attack.

The promise was that he'd set up a meeting between the two.

Well, eat your wordz, media, because the White House apparently has a special phone connected to the Biebs at ALL times. All Obama had to do was pick it up and it started ringing. LOLz!

The two most powerful figures in the world were then in touch, and reportedly, Justin whole-heartedly agreed to meet the girl — and he is adorably excited about it! Belieb it!

No date has been set, but it'll happen once the Biebs hits U.S. soil again.

So wait, does this make Justin Bieber the mini-Jack Bauer?? ALWAYS available to help his country?? Both have the initials 'J.B.' so it's entirely possible.

So sweet of you, Justin!

[Image via WENN + AP.]



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