
Tuesday, July 08, 2014

How to reverse sun damage: Skincare and anti-ageing secrets of the beauty experts

How to reverse sun damage: Skincare and anti-ageing secrets of the beauty experts:

sunbathing, sun damage, skinSun damage is the cause of 80 per cent of wrinkles [GETTY]

As the sun beats down on Britain, beauty experts are cautioning women to slap on the sunscreen if they want to save their skin.

Nothing ages the complexion like soaking up the rays, say the founder of the London-based Non Surgical Clinic, Dr Renee Hoenderkamp.

"When we were younger no one thought about their skin at all," TV regular Dr Hoenderkamp tells skincare expert Maleka Dattu in a conversation about the best methods of turning back the clock.

But she warns that 80 per cent of wrinkles are the result of sun damage. "We went out in the sun, we roasted ourselves and carried on with life and didn't think about skincare. We get to our 40s and 50s, panic and rush off to get Botox and fillers, which is the completely wrong way to approach it.

"Things have changed, now people should look at skincare as a continuum from birth to death."


But she has a few words of comfort for life-long sun-worshippers. "Just because you haven't got on the bandwagon when you were 17, doesn't mean you can't when you're 20, 30, 40 or even 50. But the best approach is to start early."

Dr Hoenderkamp advises a long-term approach. "Good skincare has got to be the start from your teens, looking after your skin, protecting it from the sun, moisturising it, hydrating it, and just thinking about how you're going to work through those years when it all starts going downwards - which it does.

"Then get to your 20s, carry on with the skincare all the time, adapting it so you've got new skincare appropriate to your age, then thinking in your late 20s, 'what am I going to do with these static lines that don't go away when my face is still?'

"That's when you can start thinking about Botox for prevention. If you start thinking 'I'll stop the muscles moving', they're not going to make those lines. It's completely preventative and it doesn't matter if you stop that and go back to it 10 years later, you're not going to do damage, you're slowing the process."

Dattu, founder of Merumaya Integrative Effective skincare, adds: "More and more people are choosing to dip into non-invasive treatments and there's an investment in that," and she adds that young-looking skin isn't always smooth and wrinkle-free.

"It's volume, plumpness, tone and texture - it's not just about lines."

For details about Non Surgical Clinic visit or call 0800 677 1 688. For Merumaya Integrative Effective Skincare, visit

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