
Tuesday, July 08, 2014

How does Dolly look so great at 68?

How does Dolly look so great at 68?:

Dolly Parton, plastic surgery, botox, cosmetic, surgery, looks, face, fillers, attitude, fabulous, 60s, dolly, glastonburyDolly stunned the crowds at Glastonbury with her amazing looks and performance [AFP/ GETTY]

And at 68 the question on everyone’s lips was how does she do it?

Dolly has been open about trying cosmetic surgery in the past although these days it’s believed she prefers a less invasive approach, relying on Botox and fillers to battle against any signs of ageing.

Like Helen Mirren and Susan Sarandon, Dolly proves you can still be fabulous in your 60s and beyond. And in my opinion it’s all down to attitude.

You can settle for comfy slippers and a cardigan or you can put on a pair of heels and strut your stuff.

Dolly has been open about trying cosmetic surgery in the past
There’s certainly no excuse for not looking great. By your 60s any hormonal changes should have settled down so your skin will be more stable. Wrinkles, red spider veins and dark spots will be less pronounced, provided of course you’ve been careful to protect your skin from the sun.

If you have any concerns you should make an appointment with a cosmetic doctor and ask about peels and laser procedures which can make a dramatic difference to the quality of your skin.

And if you are fed up with sagging and wrinkles you don’t have to resort to the scalpel as there are many non-invasive options available. So take good care of yourself now and you’ll stay looking and feeling as fabulous as Dolly

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